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Infinity Medical Clinics

Infinity Specialized Clinics is the largest medical complex in Zagazig
It includes an elite group of doctors with the highest level of experience in specialties.
General internal medicine - children and newborns - rheumatism, joint diseases and immunity - liver and digestive system
- All surgeries - Family medicine and therapeutic nutrition - Obstetrics, gynecology and infertility - Plastic surgery
- Bones and spine - Treating pain without surgery - Teeth - Ear, nose and throat - Pediatric neurology - Psychiatry and addiction
- Liver surgery - Urinary tract - Heart diseases - Chest and respiratory diseases - Diabetes and endocrine glands - Brain and brain injuries - Speech and learning difficulties - eyes'
Mobile Number 01121055535 - 01212133111 - 01017050501 - 01123237799
Phone Number - 0552306162 - 0552344883
Working Days Saturday , Sunday , Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday

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